close(t): almari ditutup

Just wanted to share one of the writing on a shirt which I bought from @fagiyuu 

"Ada puisi yang tak habis ditulis, sekadar satu baris; penulis menangis"

ahhhh, since it is the last post before I submit it later today, I hope I will not stop writing my personal mco diary or specifically blog, it feels so calming as if I was talking to someone and rant literally everything that happens within this limited time.

this post might appear at the very top because it is the most recent but I just wanted to say thank you and also a very good job to myself uwu I rarely tell my stories (this details) to others ever since MCO, I just chat my diploma friends sometimes but we all have tight schedule, and for my degree friends (since we only met online and for one week only before this) once in a while and only talk about worksssss and assignments :/

I try to be more active writing my blog  here but dah bersawang   hehe 

thank you again for organiser to make my almari become more amazing instead of just mystery, I don't feel trapped anymore uwu


from Puteri's Mystery Almari 


the og almari misteri