my first vid for my business!


I finally released my first short film for Pasar Chill. The title is: Kebahagiaan anda datang dalam bentuk bagaimana?

(What are the forms of your happiness?)

I posted it here and made 90% myself, 10% comes from my friend who acted as cameo hehe and it was all shoot from my room. Like literally all the process is like two steps away from my bed hehe.

I tried to relay the message through this video that happiness can comes in any type of form, it can be a form of flowers, food, netflix marathon. going for a walk, a poem and more. So, I try to communicate with my Chillers (thats what I called my Pasar Chill customers) and make them think of their type of happiness and make it as their hope or something they look forward to when they are feeling down or hopeless.

So yeah, to my wonderful Almari Puteri readerssss, Kebahagiaan anda datang dalam bentuk bagaimana? comment your answer plsss i need to knowwww


the og almari misteri